We become philosophers when sudden adversities strike. When our worlds fall apart without warning: fatal illness diagnosed, death strikes, loss or failure suffered, divorce, broken relationship or rejection experienced, or hurt by betrayal, slander, or hatred. It’s then we ask, “Why this? Why Me? Why Now?” But, “Why not? If not you, who would you suggest? And if not now, would you have preferred last week or tomorrow?” In the face of life-shattering experiences, it is sometimes helpful to recognize that there are things we can never fully understand in this side of the world. One day, however, God will make plain his purpose in allowing those things in our lives. Jesus told Peter: “What I am doing you do not understand now, but you will know after this”  (John 13:7). Rather than frustrating ourselves with the “Why” questions, or complaining and arguing with God, we must simply defer our questions to a future time. More often than not, time gives a better perspective of things on our painful and difficult experiences.—Samuel Koranteng-Pipim