Life often traps us with despairing situations. In 2010, 33 Chilean miners were trapped 700 meters underground, about 3 miles from the mine's entrance. After 17 fretful days, a message appeared, taped to a drill bit (the tool used to cut or crush rock): "We are well in the shelter, the 33 of us." 69 days later, the miners were brought out to safety. In life, we often find ourselves down in the pits. We get trapped in life's well through our own mistakes, the actions of others, or circumstances beyond our control. We feel lost in its frightening depth, unable to see light at the end of the tunnel. Regardless of how you got into your hole, you can choose responsible ways from sinking into despair. Choose hope, by fastening this assurance to your efforts: IT IS WELL, EVEN IN THE WELL! (Psalm 31:24; 43:5; Zechariah 9:11-12.)—Samuel Koranteng-Pipim